
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University

Student Testimonials


My name is Christine Doan, and I am a master's student in the IBMBA at the College of Management of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU). Coming from Vietnam and traveling to Taiwan with my 7-year-old son to pursue this master’s course has been a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. The IBMBA at NSYSU has provided me with an exceptional education in international business management. The curriculum is thoughtfully structured to combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications, ensuring that students are well-prepared for the complexities of the global business environment. The diverse and experienced faculty members have been instrumental in my academic growth, offering not only their expertise but also their unwavering support.    ...more


My name is Andy Nguyen, and I am a master's student in the IBMBA at the College of Management of National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU). As a student from Vietnam, I am incredibly grateful for the enriching experiences and opportunities this program has offered me. The IBMBA at NSYSU has exceeded my expectations in numerous ways. The curriculum is comprehensive and meticulously designed to provide a deep understanding of global business management.The blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application has equipped me with essential skills and insights, preparing me for a successful career in the international business arena.    ...more


The decision to return to Kaohsiung to complete my studies amidst the challenges posed by Covid-19 was a deeply personal one. However, it didn't deter me from realizing my aspiration of reconnecting with my hometown and immersing myself in its rich culture while cherishing invaluable moments with my family. Undoubtedly, the IBMBA has been a transformative journey for me on multiple fronts. Not only has it honed my proficiency in English and broadened my understanding of business studies, but it has also fostered a spirit of collaboration and critical thinking essential for navigating the complexities of the modern business landscape.    ...more


As an international student coming to Taiwan to pursue my MBA, I was looking for a program that offered a strong academic foundation, a diverse learning environment, and the opportunity to experience a new culture. The IBMBA at NSYSU in Kaohsiung checked all those boxes and more! Studying at IBMBA has been an enriching experience. The program attracts students from all over the world, creating a truly international classroom setting. Learning alongside classmates from different backgrounds has not only broadened my perspective but also helped me develop my intercultural communication skills. These skills will be invaluable in today's globalized business world.    ...more


Even though COVID-19 complicated my coming to Taiwan, once I arrived at NSYSU I felt welcome. I really feel like it was the right choice for me to study in this program. There are a variety of different courses that you can participate in, and I was able to choose the courses according to my interests. Studying in the IBMBA program requires a lot of teamwork which helps you to connect with people from all around the world. I studied Business Administration - International Business during my Bachelor and I liked the intercultural communication and cross-cultural experience. Here at the IBMBA program, my class is made up of Taiwanese and international students from all over the world which opens up intercultural discussions in class that make every subject even more interesting. ...more


In the beginning, I chose NSYSU because of its beautiful scenery of green mountains and charming beaches. For IBMBA in particular, its curriculum is lean but complete, with a wide choice of courses to suit my interests and abilities. More importantly, I can improve both my English and Chinese by studying in this global class. After the first semester, I feel relatively satisfied with my decision to enter the IBMBA program of NSYSU. Not only did I gain much knowledge about the International Business field, I also improved practical skills. Then, I deeply cherish my classmates, who have accompanied and coloured my Master’s life.    ...more


Since it’s a globalised world and we all are interconnected to each other directly or indirectly, therefore; the need for studying in International Business MBA program(IBMBA) was the perfect choice for me when the pandemic struck and I gave myself time to think how should I use this time to invest in myself. Seeing the course curriculum of NSYSU IBMBA program ignited my passion for studying this course and here I am in Taiwan pursuing my passion. Studying IBMBA in NSYSU has been like a dream come true for me since I can use this time to get global exposure as the faculty and classmates come from different nationalities. It feels great to interact & share in-campus, off-campus life with them. IBMBA program gives me ample opportunities to grow my business knowledge along with learning how to work in a group since we have plenty of group projects and presentations.   ...more


The reason why I like the IBMBA program is that we have many opportunities to interact with people from all over the world with a fantastic study atmosphere surrounded by the natural landscape. The feature that appeals to me most is its all-English-Instructed Program; it lets me keep learning and practicing English even in Taiwan. IBMBA also helps me expand international horizons, build my network and friendships globally with other classmates and faculty from different countries. Besides the professional knowledge and experiences, I have been more open-minded about culture shock and differences. In addition to this, it also provides lots of resources and opportunities from outstanding alumni and well-known enterprises. This seems to be very beneficial for all of us for our future career planning. The staff and faculties of IBMBA are friendly, courteous, and helpful. It’s my pleasure to meet all the friends in IBMBA, and I can tell that choosing IBMBA was one of the best decisions I ever made.


Studying at NSYSU IBMBA is an invaluable journey for me because I have never imagined that the life of studying for a master degree can be so colorful. I decided to join MBA after working for around two years. At that time, I thought that I could accumulate more academic knowledge and experience to pursue better careers in the future, so I did not hesitate too long to decide to pursue my master degree. NSYSU IBMBA particularly caught my eyes because of its international resources. In this program, I can meet professors and students coming from diverse countries, and taking courses with them enables me to know more about different cultures and the way of learning. Additionally, IBMBA partners with many sister schools overseas, offering plentiful exchange and double degree opportunities. I myself chose to participate in the ESSCA double degree program at ESSCA School of Management in France. Thanks to IBMBA, my student life has been enriched more.


Studying in IBMBA at NSYSU gives me access to one of the best Business Administration programs in Taiwan as well as the opportunity to live in the beautiful city, Kaohsiung. The professors and classmates come from various backgrounds from all over the world and the diversity of the friends I have made here still surprises me till today. During my study at NSYSU, I was lucky to be part of the student association of the International Programs. I worked for the International relations office and the Office of Career Development of the College of Management. My job as the SA vice president was to help students prepare for the real world through events and seminars. The team and the program also took time to make sure all the students have fun developing professional skill sets to help them deal with real business scenarios. I combined these experiences along with my previous skill sets and won the IEAT scholarship for international business students. I am very thankful for the opportunity and the support I got from NSYSU and the IBMBA program.


To me, studying at IBMBA is a life-changing experience. With the international learning environment, it helps me forge lifelong friendships globally and acquire diverse knowledge from faculty with different countries and expertise. It also provides me with the opportunities to work for a well-known multinational corporation as an intern and win an honorable award by getting involved in the business competition. Furthermore, IBMBA faculty members and staff are very helpful, friendly and can provide assistance efficiently. As one of the best universities in Taiwan, NSYSU offers a great platform for students to interact with amazing people from varied backgrounds and industries. The campus is lively and beautiful with a combination of mountain and sea views that supply the best natural spot to balance students life between study and recreation. Studying at IBMBA at NSYSU is definitely something I won’t regret.


The IBMBA program at NSYSU incorporates both, theoretical and hands-on perspectives. The classes are taught in English by qualified professors who in many cases earned their master’s degree or PHD in Australia or in the U.S. The hands-on experience we can receive comes from international summer programs that are offered or internships with local Taiwanese companies. The program is also AACSB accredited which provides international recognition in many business schools across the world and allows me to take my IBMBA degree to other countries for career advancement. Lastly, the program is a great opportunity to meet new international students and enhance my network as well as explore the Taiwanese culture and its people. I have found that Taiwanese people are the most welcoming and friendly out of all people I have met in Asia. I definitely recommend the IBMBA program at NSYSU to anyone who is looking to further enhance their careers!