
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University


教學輔導系統一條龍 學習不錯過

An all-in-one teaching and counseling system that ensures uninterrupted learning


本院目前簽有國際姊妹校81所、105個學術合約,大學部已與加拿大維多利亞大學,與英國愛塞克斯大學(University of Essex)簽署雙聯學位合作。學生交換計畫與雙聯學位合約皆有不同學制、科系及課程,國際交流辦公室將輔導選擇學校。

✔International Mobile Advisor Program The College has 81 international partner schools and 105 academic contracts. The undergraduate division of the College has signed dual degree agreements with the University of Victoria in Canada and the University of Essex in the United Kingdom. In the international student exchange programs and the dual degree contracts, there are different academic systems, departments and programs, and the Office of International Relations under Dean's Office will provide students with guidance in choosing schools.


(1)考取英語檢定 輔導學生於大二準備英語檢定與提供校內相關英語學習資源,包含推廣教育中心付費檢定課程、外語中心提免費「英語自學園」服務與不定期舉辦的英語學習活動。

(2)申請交換計畫之資格確認 在學生提出想前往交換的學校時,將協助學生進一步協助審視

(3)媒合交換學校與時間 依據出國交換甄選單位(國際事務處)的排序原則進行初步排序,作為學生選擇學校的參考依據,提高通過遞交申請的機率。

(4)國外獎學金諮詢 輔導學生申請各類獎學金,學院將出國為畢業條件的系所做為優先獎學金排序的考量之一。

(5)出國前輔導及學長姊經驗分享 國際事務處每年5月辦理出國行前說明會,邀請學長姊經驗分享。本院國際交流辦公室將另開雙學位說明會,說明修課規定及畢業條件。

(6)出國修課計畫 事先規畫交換校的修習課程,著重於交換校的選課輔導。

2.出國期間 與學生及家長保持聯繫,確保學生獲得妥善照顧

3.返國後 協助學分抵免申請及返校手續。

1.Before going abroad

(1)Obtain an English Proficiency Certificate We provide guidance for students to prepare for English proficiency tests in their sophomore year and offer related English learning resources on campus, including paid English certification courses at the Continuing Education Division, free English Plaza services in the English Teaching Language Center, and occasional English learning activities.

(2)Verify eligibility for the exchange programs We will assist students to further examine their eligibility when they submit their applications.

(3)Coordinate exchange schools and dates A preliminary ranking will be made in accordance with the ranking principles of the Office of International Affairs, which will be used as a reference for students to choose a school and increase the chances of approval of their applications.

(4)Provide foreign scholarship counseling We provide counseling for students who wish to apply for various scholarships. The College will prioritize students in departments that require overseas study as part of the graduation requirements in scholarship ranking.

(5)Arrange pre-departure counseling and experience sharing with seniors The Office of International Affairs holds a pre-departure orientation in May every year and invite seniors to share their experiences. Office of International Relations under Dean's Office will also hold a dual-degree program briefing to explain the course regulations and graduation requirements.

(6)Plan course selection in the exchange school beforehand We will plan the courses for students to take at the exchange school in advance with focus on the guidance of course selection at the exchange school.

2.While studying abroad, we will maintain contact with students and their parents to ensure that students are properly taking care of.

3.Upon return, we will assist students with the credit transfer application and the return procedure.