
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University


一、 課程特色

(一) 全英語課堂環境 (二) 姊妹校交換計劃、雙聯學位模式 (三) 國際商管經驗取得

二、 課程設計

  • 「紮根」→核心課程厚實學生基礎知能。
  • 「躍升」→導引本籍學生藉由出國交換或修習雙聯學位的機會,培育跨文化溝通暨管理能力。
  • 「躍升」→規劃外籍學生自主學習彈性選課,透過本院各專業學群的協助,熟悉亞太地區的經營管理環境、或台灣的經營管理長處。

三、 課程結構

學士班最低畢業學分數128 學分,包含通識教育與博雅課程(28學分)、必修(38學分)及選修(62學分),課程架構分為「核心課程」、「國際交換」與「特色選修課程」。

1.  選修學分無外系/院學分上限之規定,原則採計英語授課第⼆外語教學課程之選修課,⾄多採計30學分之中文授課選修課



  • 核心課程 (必修學分)


  • 國際交換


  • 特色選修課程


  • 模組一、「亞太經營管理」:亞太特色的企業經營管理知能培養,包含國際企業管理、亞太經營環境、跨文化管理、國際行銷及跨國法律風險議題等;
  • 模組二、「巨量資料分析」:大數據 (Big Data) 分析,包含基礎的程式設計,統計計算等概念外,亦包括商業數據分析、雲端計算等課程。
  • 模組三、「全球財務金融」:國際經濟、國際財務管理、投資組合及金融創新等。
  • 其他選修課程


1. Course Features:

(1) All-English classroom environment (2) Partner school exchange programs and dual degree programs (3) International business management experience

2. Curriculum Design:

  • Take Root:→Provide core courses to strengthen students' basic knowledge.
  • Leap Upward:→Introduce opportunities for domestic students to cultivate cross-cultural communication and management skills through overseas exchange or dual degree programs.
  • Leap Upward:→Provide foreign students with the flexibility to take courses on their own and to familiarize themselves with the business management environment in the Asia-Pacific region or the strengths of business management in Taiwan through the various professional discipline clusters in the College.

3. Curriculum Structure

The minimum number of credits for graduation is 128, including General Education courses and Liberal Arts courses (28 credits), required courses (38 credits) and elective courses (62 credits), and the curriculum structure is divided into "core courses", "international exchange" and "featured elective courses".

1. Credits taken from other department/college as graduation elective credits are unlimited. However, only courses taught in English or a second foreign language are adopted as elective courses. At most, 30 credits are adopted for elective courses taught in Chinese.

2. As part of the domestic student (Taiwanese) graduation requirements, it is required to join the International Exchange Program for at least one year. While studying abroad, students must select at least 18~24 credits (or 6 courses) of non-Chinese teaching courses at the Bachelor level or higher. It is mandatory to pass all the subjects in the partner universities. Credits taken in the partner universities can be waived upon return to school under the regulation 交換校學分轉換暨成績轉換參考表   from Office of Academic Affairs. 

3. Starting from Academic Year 2023, all IBBA students must take the course "The Theory and Practice of Ethics in International Business Management" as part of the graduaiton requirements. 

  • Core Courses (Required)

The program focuses on business fundamentals, supplemented by intercultural communication and English presentation and writing skills. In the first and second years, in addition to the university's general education courses, the required courses will focus on basic business management skills, with emphasis on cross-cultural communication and respect for other cultures, as well as bilingual communication and expression skills, to ensure that students can build a basic knowledge map, develop problem awareness, and be ready to move on to the next stage of exploration in the professional fields. The junior and senior year programs focus on in-depth study of courses in professional discipline clusters and the implementation of cross-cultural communication training through the international exchange or dual degree program.

  • International Exchange

Domestic students must spend at least one year abroad on an exchange program or two years abroad for a dual degree.

  • Featured Elective Courses

Starting from the students' junior year, domestic students who participate in the one-year overseas exchange program as well as foreign students who are not mandated to go abroad for exchange will be led to further explore the business management culture of Southeast Asian countries, including Taiwan. After the development of basic knowledge and skills in their freshman and sophomore years, these students can choose to diversify their expertise across fields to build up their depth of learning according to their interests and learning situation. We have developed three modules: Asia Pacific Business Management, Big Data Analytics, and Global Financial.

  • Module 1 - Asia Pacific Business Management: The module is designed to cultivate students' knowledge and skills of business management specific to Asia Pacific, including topics like international business management, Asia Pacific business environment, cross-cultural management, international marketing, and cross-country legal risks.
  • Module 2 - Big Data Analytics: This module focuses on big data analytics, including basic programming and statistical computing concepts as well as business data analytics and cloud computing.
  • Module 3 - Global Financial: This module covers international economics, international financial management, investment portfolio, and financial innovation and so on.
  • Other Elective Courses:

Students may also take English courses offered by other departments of the University.