
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University

Career Development

✔「一對一職涯諮詢」服務 有鑑於全球化發展及學業界需求,2020年初創立「職涯發展辦公室OCD」 (Office of Career Development),整合各系所資源,增進與校友鏈結、促進產學合作效益、提供企業實習徵才等服務。 學生除享有本院全英語碩士學程之校友資源,透過一對一職涯諮詢,包含未來工作發展方向、目前抉擇、時間管理、工讀、社團參與、畢業後計畫等。透過便利的線上預約,與本院校友 (包含Citi Bank人資副總、Morgan Stanley協理、CocaCola人資總監、3M薪酬福利總監、LINE前行銷總監、中國信託協理等) 進行線上「一對一」職涯討論。

✔One-on-One Career Counseling Service In response to globalization and the needs of the academic community, the Office of Career Development (OCD) was established in early 2020 to integrate the resources of all departments in the College, enhance links with alumni, promote the benefits of industry-academia collaboration, and provide internship and recruitment opportunities for companies. In addition to the alumni resources of our all-English master's programs, students are offered one-on-one career counseling on future career development, current decisions, time management, work-study, club participation, and future plans after graduation and so on. Through a convenient online reservation system, students can have one-on-one career discussions with our alumni (including HR vice president of Citi Bank, associate of Morgan Stanley, CHO of CocaCola, compensation and benefits manager of 3M, former marketing manager of LINE, associate of CTBC Bank, etc.)

✔辨識產業趨勢 安排職涯規劃 學院提供【職涯準備】、【職涯講座】及【履歷工作坊】,讓學生於就學期間,深入了解多元產業的需求及發展,未來面對多數企業每年3、4月辦理徵才活動時,更能從容準備。透過提供履歷撰寫、面試技巧及生涯規劃等引導,及早儲備就業力。

✔Assistance in Identifying Industry Trends and Career Planning The College provides "Career Preparation", "Career Seminar" and "Resume Workshop" to help students understand the needs and development of various industries during their studies so that they can be more prepared for the recruitment activities held by most companies in March and April each year. Students are provided with guidance on résumé writing, interviewing skills and career planning to prepare for employment as early as possible.