本校管理學院大學部 現行收費標準 |
NTD 17,490
NTD 7,640
NTD 25,130
NTD 1,030
1. 學士班延修生:9 學分 (含) 以下收取延修生學分費及雜費;10 學分以上則收取全額學分學雜費。
2. 國修讀境外雙聯學位學生,大一、大二於中山大學就讀需繳交中山大學學費,在國外合作大學修讀期間繳交所就讀國外大學規定之國際學生學費及繳交本校大學部收費標準。
3. 取得交換生資格者僅需負擔中山大學學費;延畢生則依照交換期間修習學分數,另繳付中山大學學分費(無論有無抵免皆須繳付學分費)。
4. 實際學費依當度學校公告為準。
本校管理學院大學部 現行收費標準 |
NTD 50,260
NTD 3,498
NTD 15,280
1. 本學位學程外國生收費標準計畫比照目前本院外國生學士班收費。
2. 學士班延修生:9 學分(含)以下收取延修生學分費及雜費;10 學分以上則收取全額學分學雜費。
3. 實際學費依當度學校公告為準。
Undergraduate Program in the College of Management, NSYSU Current Rates |
NTD 17,490
Miscellaneous Fees
NTD 7,640
NTD 25,130
Credit Fees – Extended Study
NTD 1,030
1. Bachelor students with extended study: Bachelor students taking 9 or fewer credits will be charged credit fees and miscellaneous fees; students taking 10 or more credits will be charged full tuition.
2. Students in the international joint dual degree program are required to pay tuition and fees at Sun Yat-sen University for their freshman and sophomore years, and while they study at a foreign partner university, they are required to pay the tuition and fees for international students at the partner university as well as fees at Sun Yat-sen University.
3. Exchange students are only required to pay the tuition fee of Sun Yat-sen University; exchange students with extended study are required to pay the credit fees of Sun Yat-sen University according to the number of credits taken during the exchange period (credit fees are required with or without credit).
4. Please refer to the school's announcement of the year for the actual tuition fees.
Undergraduate Programs in the College of Management Current Rates |
NTD 50,260
Credit Fees - Extended Study
NTD 3,498
Miscellaneous Fees - Extended Study
NTD 15,280
1. The fee schedule for international students in this degree program is equivalent to the current fee schedule for international students in undergraduate programs in the College of Management.
2. Bachelor students with extended study: Bachelor students taking 9 or fewer credits will be charged credit fees and miscellaneous fees; students taking 10 or more credits will be charged full tuition.
3. Please refer to the school's announcement of the year for the actual tuition fee.