
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University

《112-2_IB610 & IB525》A Visit to China Steel Company and Taiwan Power Company

Written by Stanislaus Tjahjadi

On a warm and bright morning, we, the GHRM MBA and IBMBA students from two different courses, Academic Writing for Business and Corporate Decision Analysis, taught by Professor Fang-Yi Lo, visited China Steel Company (CSC) and Taiwan Power Company in Kaohsiung.

China Steel Company (CSC)

In the morning, we visited CSC. Upon our arrival, we were warmly welcomed and given an introduction to the company. CSC Group has branched out into various fields, including engineering, business, industrial materials, logistics, investment, and clean energy.

“The ultimate goal of production is to create quality living. Products have a price, but the earth is priceless.”

– CSC Group

This quote reflects their strong commitment to corporate responsibility, talent development, and environmental protection. They focus on sustainable growth, R&D of high-tech steel products, and partnerships with downstream customers.

After the introduction, we toured the company by bus due to its huge size. The speaker provided a detailed explanation of the company's facilities, production processes, energy conservation, and environmental initiatives. We learned about the differences between hot and cold rolled steel coils, the process of separating oxygen and nitrogen from air, and the transportation and safety measures for their products. We had the chance to see directly how they process and roll the steel. The speaker concluded by mentioning that CSC Group is always looking for new fields to explore by creating new sub-companies.

Talin Power Plant

In the afternoon, we visited the Talin Power Plant, part of the Taiwan Power Company. Upon arrival, Miss Li greeted us with ice cream made by their employees. The employees had invested in ice cream production equipment and earned profits from it.

We then gathered in a hall and were welcomed by the director of the Talin Power Plant, who provided an introduction to the company. We learned that the Taiwan Power Company supplies electricity to Taiwan. To reduce air pollution, the company invested NTD 3.5 billion in environmental protection equipment, accounting for about 30% of their entire project costs. Currently, coal-fired thermal power generation provides about 40% of the world's electricity, offering high stability and low cost. The company plans to replace old units with more environmentally friendly and efficient natural gas combined cycle units to support Taiwan's economic development and ensure a bright future.

We toured the company area by bus, with detailed explanations of various facilities and operations, including the control room, fuel cycle, power generation process, and environmental protection facilities. The director also gave us an overview of the company's location, covering the power plant, container center, and daily machine usage.

This visit to CSC and Taiwan Power Company provided us with valuable insights into their operations, sustainability efforts, and future plans. It was an informative and engaging experience for us, MBA students of National Sun Yat-sen University.

Photos: China Steel Company (CSC)

Photos: Taiwan Power Company
