
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University



The objective of the course is for students to learn about the role of innovation in economic development, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, this is facilitated by having a teaching team that encompasses NSYSU professors, as well as guest lecturers from other countries, with a particular focus on key markets for Taiwanese entrepreneurs. The course will occur in the period of two weeks, from June 24 to July 8, 2024.

課程相關資訊如下 :

(一) 課程名稱 Course Title: 亞太創新經濟研討Seminar on the Innovation Economy in the Asia-Pacific Region

(二) 授課期間Duration of the Course:113年6月24日至7月8日

(三) 課程登記日期 Deadline for Course Registration:即日起至113年6月6日

(四) 地點:本校管理學院1023室(高雄市鼓山區蓮海路70號)

(五) 報名費用:免費 (食宿自行負擔)

(六) 報名連結Application Link : https://forms.gle/9jQKvWWpUUNkbTtp9

本課程採線上報名,請逕至活動網頁進行報名,如有任何問題,請洽課程助教 !

姓名: 杜阮越松先生


誠摯地邀請您參加這個充滿活力和實用性的學術活動,與來自世界各地的優秀學子一同探索創新的世界。We invite you to join this vibrant and practical academic event, where you will have the opportunity to explore the world of innovation alongside outstanding students from around the globe.
