
國際經營管理碩士學程 International Business National Sun Yat-sen University

Mr. Justin Tang, IBMBA Alumni (Class of 2016)


IBMBA學程校友訪談系列-國泰聯合銀行(Justin Tang)唐學智學長專訪(105級)

國際經營管理碩士學程校友唐學智(Justin)服兵役時,有了發展學術專業的念頭,他說:“ 由於我在讀大學時,沒有太多的工作經驗,因此攻讀碩士學位可能會為將來的職業道路帶來更多機會。”當時,Justin面臨兩個選擇,即另一所大學的MBA課程和中山的IBMBA,但是最後,IBMBA仍然是他的最終決定,對Justin而言,這不僅是因為“他覺得中山大學比其他學校還優秀”,還因為中山位於台灣美麗的高雄市。

Justin真的很享受在中山管院IBMBA就學的日子,並感謝他在IBMBA遇到的許多好朋友及有機會參加ESSCA雙重學位課程。他甚至在參加IBMBA之前,都已經通過托福考試做好了充分的準備,因為他知道IBMBA當時提供了兩個雙學位機會,分別是法國昂傑高等商學院(ESSCA)和中山管院與加拿大維多利亞大學(University of Victoria)及奧地利林茲大學(JKU Linz)三校共同舉辦之ACT跨國學程,他抓住機會同時申請這兩個雙學位,最後選擇了ESSCA。

在中山IBMBA就讀期間,Justin非常活躍參加許多比賽,例如:組隊參加2017「Yahoo!奇摩全國大專院校電子商務創意競賽(EC-IC )」並獲得產品創意與設計獎優等及ATCC全國大專院校商業個案競賽取得國泰金控組第三名。除了積極參與校外競賽,Justin也擔任國際學程學生會會長,帶領二位來自波蘭和捷克的副會長協助國際學程業務,Justin充分實踐Work Hard Play Hard,擔任會長期間還舉辦遊艇萬聖節晚宴。在他看來,這使他的簡歷對招聘人員更具吸引力,他說:“把握在IBMBA的每一天,我努力積極學習並付出,IBMBA提供學生許多機會可以展現自我能力,增強己身競爭力!”

Justin目前在國泰聯合銀行擔任管理助理。 他負責公司和個人銀行業務相關的業務,他在公司銀行業務領域度過了頭兩個月的時間,學習如何正確製作財務報告以及如何在批准貸款之前和公司確認,在消費金融方面,Justin的工作更涉及個人投資組合管理,他的未來的計劃是更深入地研究消費金融,內部運營和渠道管理。


IBMBA Alumni Interview Series_Justin Tang: Management

Associate for Cathay United Bank (Class of 2016)

The thought of furthering academic profession came to Justin when he was doing his compulsory military service. “Since I did not have much working experience when I was doing my Bachelor degree, pursuing a Master degree may grant me more opportunities in my future career path”, said Justin.

At the time, Justin was faced with two options, MBA course from another university and IBMBA from NSYSU. But in the end, IBMBA was still his final decision. To Justin, it was not just because “[he] felt like NSYSU did better than the other school” but also because NSYSU is located in Kaohsiung, which is a beautiful place in Taiwan. Justin really enjoyed and appreciated the time he got at IBMBA when he met many of his good friends and was able to enter the ESSCA dual degree program. Justin well prepared himself even before starting his journey at IBMBA by taking the TOEFL test. Knowing that IBMBA offered two exchange programs, which are ESSCA & ACT  at the time, he grabbed the chance,  applied for both and finally went for ESSCA.

When he was in his first year at NSYSU, Justin joined numerous competitions and also ran for Student Association; which, to him, had made his resume look more attractive to recruiters. “I’m sure what IBMBA brought me was the chance to join many projects, competitions and  [the program] has offered me the ticket to my current position,'' he said.

Justin is currently working as a Management Associate at Cathay United Bank. He assumed the responsibilities that are related to both Corporate and Individual banking. He spent the first two months in the field of corporate banking and got to learn how to properly produce financial reports and how to examine corporates before approving loans. In terms of consumer finance, Justin’s jobs deal more with portfolio management for individuals. Justin’s plan in the future is to go deeper into the segments of consumer finance, internal operation and channel management.

“A degree is just one thing” that helps you gain the attention of the recruiters, said Justin. What does matter is what you have done during your study, especially when you don’t have much working experience. Working in the financial segment, Justin advises us to be logically cautious when doing interviews with corporates, especially those in the banking industry.
